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ICE Breakers



Which story did you enjoy the most in ‘Molly & The Captain’ and which characters elicited the most admiration?
Daughters and sisterhood is a strong thread in the novel. Is this a bond or a hindrance for the women?
Which female character enjoyed the greatest freedom?
For Quinn fans, did you recognise the return of Billie Cantrip and was this how you imagined her life in the '80s?
Have you ever explored your own ancestry and been surprised by its findings?
Did you enjoy the period detail of the 3 centuries and which one captured your imagination the most?



The Den recommends using the excellent readers’ guide questions for discussion included at the end of The Personal Librarian together with a few of our own below.
Did you find all of Belle’s traits and successes believable, for example her ability to always outwit her rivals at auctions?
How did you find the writing style of this book?
The novel is written by 2 authors - did this work for the book club and do you think collaborative novels is a good idea?
Have you visited the Morgan Library and Museum in New York? If so, were you already aware of Belle da Costa Greene?


Why do think the author decided to write the novel from the perspective of the dumped boyfriend? Would you liked to have heard more from Jen?
What relationships have you had that were shelved for the better? Have you been the friend, the perpetrator of the ‘break up’? How did this reading make you feel?
Have you ever experienced the ‘flip’?
What scenes or events made you laugh and cringe in the book?
Did you recognise Andy’s behaviours? Have we all been there, done that?
The Den enjoyed the cameo characters such as Kelly the personal trainer and Maurice the landlord? What characters kept you upbeat in the novel?


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Illustrations by Lizzie Nightingale 
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