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192 pages

This debut novel from this young American writer are  a series of short, shocking yet totally absorbing stories covering topical and sensitive issues with a unique voice and vivid imagination 




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192 pages

Friday Black is a collection of 12 powerful and exciting short stories which take no punches. This young American writer has a wonderfully unique imaginative flare – not only are the stories relevant and dark, they are also extremely clever and often funny – all with an important message.  They cover vital topical issues in society with a fantastically surreal perspective making it a natural Wild Card read.


The UK have now followed the US with the mayhem associated with Black Friday discount shopping days. In Adjei-Brenyah's debut novel, several of the stories touch on the extreme cut-throat nature of consumerism as families behave like savages trying to get their bargains where injury and even death is part of the course. In Friday Black  the reader gets to imagine both sides of the shopping experience including the unsparing competitiveness to get the highest number of sales.  It is a frightening reality check on our world.


The first story The Finkelstein Five is particularly shocking, but don’t let that deter you from reading the others. When a white father ruthlessly kills 5 black children with no just cause, the legal system deems he did it in self-protection. A group of young black men and women plan their own justice carrying out a series of horrific random acts of violence on equally innocent white people.  It is told through the eyes of Emmanuel who plays a game of trying to play down his blackness but will this change as he seeks retribution.


One of the more unusual stories Lark Street Is about twin foetuses aborted by a young girl who snuggle up to their father and converse with him. It sounds horrific but their soul-searching questions are both poignant and funny. 


All the stories touch on crucial issues with remarkable insight and a unique twist. With such an interesting mix of the absurd and dystopian fiction the stories are primed for a very lively discussion at any book club and perhaps force you out of your comfort zone.


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Illustrations by Lizzie Nightingale 
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