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260 pages
A beautiful poetic and visual book from an author of the moment
260 pages

Ali Smith is an award winning, highly imaginative and poetic writer of the moment, whose books are a fantastic and easy read for any book club.  Autumn is the first in Smith's quartet reflecting the seasonal changes and Britain's mood. The Den has included 3 of the 4 novels (including Winter and Spring). Beautifully written, with strong visual and literary references that will definitely appeal to Lit chicks.  


Hot on the heels of the Brexit result in Britain, Ali Smith worked at speed to have Autumn written and published in 2016 - and was short-listed for Booker Prize 2017.  


The language is beautifully poetic and the novel presents the disquieting mood that has divided communities and relationships.  The story-line draws you into an unlikely friendship between an old man and a young thirty-something female lecturer and you can sense the ebb and flow of the autumn season and feel Smith’s writing literally carry you through the story moving back and forth, in short bite size chapters of time.   


Such a talented writer. Scoring mainly 8 & 9s/10 it felt special and almost begged us to take another read.  


Winter, Spring and Summer are available for those wish to complete the seasonal quartet.


  - for people who love books -




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Illustrations by Lizzie Nightingale 
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